Love the mission

We chose the Oregon Army National Guard (ORARNG) Company G, 1st Battalion, 189th Aviation Regiment (G/1-189 AVN) (MEDEVAC) as the subject of our most recent Massif Films ® production. Shot on location in Oregon by Jared Cruce Studios, the inspiring and award-winning film focuses on Captain Alexis McRobert and her crewmates because they spoke to a value that has always rested at the Massif® core: Don’t say it. Do it. This focus on action has taken McRobert to the top of her specific field as an aviator.

Keep Going

Massif® was founded in 1999 by two passionate search and rescue visionaries who set the bar high for quality and excellence in everything the company does. Wanting to bridge the gap between world-class outdoor apparel and fully flame-resistant gear for the U.S. Military, the visionaries created the Massif brand and company. Keep Going dives into the Massif history and gives a present-day peek and a behind the scenes treatment of the company, its ownership, and more.

A Journey Home

Massif®, through their Massif Films® brand and Jared Cruce Studio, document the National Industries for the Blind and what they offer to visually challenged and impaired individuals. Filmed on location in New Mexico and North Carolina, take a journey with four heart-warming and inspiring individuals as they share their life-changing circumstances in this 2019 award-winning film.