Dealer Application

498 Oak Street, Ashland OR 97520
P: (541) 488-0801, F: (541) 488-0807
Email Address:


Massif utilizes this application to determine the capabilities of your organization and your ability to successfully market and support Massif products. If you have questions, please contact us.

Contact Name

List branches of military to whom you currently sell, along with annual volume of business

Would you be able to provide an open quote report each month?
How do you promote your products or services? (check any that apply)
Printed Catalog
Do you hold your own trade show?
Are you a TLS contract holder?
Do you currently have an active GSA Advantage Schedule?
Do you stock inventory?
Are you able to place a minimum $5,000 stocking order this year?
Are you able to purchase a Massif Sales Kit for each of your sales reps (minimum cost is $1,000)?
Is your business ISO 9001 certified?
Is your business, or any officer or principal of your business, suspended, debarred, proposed for suspension or debarment, or ineligible for entering into contracts with any agency or branch of the U.S. federal government or any foreign government?

Please provide 4 customer references (include contact person, company name, and phone number):

Reference 1


Reference 2


Reference 3


Reference 4

The company represents and certifies that it will comply with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the U.K. Anti-Bribery Act, and the anti-corruption laws of other countries, as applicable, as well as the Anti-Kickback Procedures specified in FAR clause 52.230-7 (July 2005), which is incorporated herein by reference.
MM slash DD slash YYYY